CDSG Member & Corregidoros Tony Feredo writes of his recent visit to the Harbor Defences of Manila Bay. For Tony it was a...
Wednesday, March 15
- Arrived at 7:30am at the PTA Bay Terminal.
Had with me my backpack and duffel bag.
The backpack contains my personal belongings while the duffel bag
consisted of personal gear (camera, video-cam, etc.), and our group's
provisions (water, food, ropes, bolos, etc.)
I got a real workout since the duffel bag was really heavy and you can’t
just sling it over your shoulder.
Met with CDSG co-members:
Glen Williford, Nelson Lawry, who was the previous preservation officer of
the group and Karl Schmidt, former Chairman of CDSG. For Glen
Williford, it was his 5th trip to the HD of Manila Bay, Karl his third and
Nelson his first. After exchanging our usual pleasantries, we went aboard
the MV Suncruises and then off we go to the island.
In the ferry was Lt.
Col. Art Matibag. We had a small chat with the Lt. Col.. There was sizable
crowd in the ferry considering it was a Wednesday. We spent the 40
minute trip talking, planning and exchanging views and knowledge of Coast
Defense stuff, the Corregidor and the Bataan Campaign, Phil Scouts, old
vintage weaponry, and so forth.
Arriving at the docks,
we met with our host and then threw all of our stuff at the pre-arranged
jeepney for the whole day.
We decided to start at Battery Cheney (2- 12-inch guns of DCLF) and
then work our way backward.
Arriving at Cheney, we took the usual photo shots of the battery although
nothing has changed except that it was cleaned constantly.
While Nelson was taking his first photo shots of Cheney, Glen and I
were trying to locate the old trolley line (trail) that lead to the old
Artillery Engineer Station and Ordnance Magazine. We can’t find a suitable
trail from the back of Cheney but we did find a lot of powder cans
scattered around. These
powder cans were also used to store water, small arms ammunition, and
other stuffs.
After Cheney we told the
jeepney driver to drive slowly and stopped halfway going to Battery
Wheeler. Glen, Karl and I
decided to look for the Arty Station and Ordnance Magazine from the old
NCO Quarters. Nelson headed
the opposite direction to locate the B’ (Base End Station) for Wheeler,
B’’ (BE Secondary) for Battery Gillespie and B’’ for Battery Greer (we’ve
been there last year so we preferred to look for the Arty Station and Ord
hit the NC Quarters and like all other quarters in the island, it showed
signs of damage from battles from the two campaigns and scrappers.
From the second building, we went down about 50 meters North until
we hit concrete. Glen brought along his GPS but signals varied due to the
jungle canopy. We hit what we
were looking for but all that remains are the steps of the structures
concrete slabs. The floor was
covered with dirt and the cement floor is 6-inches under it. We noticed a lot of old electric wiring and connectors.
Some of them had melted glass with it.
After a few camera shots, we headed back to the road wherein we met
with Nelson. We then
proceeded to Battery Wheeler.
has changed with Battery Wheeler from my previous trips except that there
is constant maintenance. I
think there are future plans to include Wheeler and Cheney in the tour but
I have not heard anything definite. Went
around the battery, took some notes and snapshots and then measured the
old trolley lines. According
to Nelson, they were narrow gauge (3-ft) 36-inch tracks used by the
military for transporting ammunition and other material in installations
of the HD garrisons. Those found in Luzon were the 3 ½ feet (42-inches)
the standard narrow gauges for Europe and US.
We also took note of the re-bars. Most of the old batteries used
the “spiral type” re-bars while some of the newly constructed
batteries used “straight” or even excess tracks for re-bar and
then went to the Wheeler Tunnel to show Nelson around. We noticed that there were some ropes attached to the sides
of the trail and another set of ropes at the shaft of the tunnel.
Some guys have been visiting the tunnel.
exploring Battery Wheeler, and the Wheeler Tunnel we decided to check in
at the Corregidor Inn, take our lunch, freshen up a little bit.
lunch, we reloaded our water supply and then headed back to Battery
Wheeler to go to C1 Station – “Bunker’s Bunker”.
We took off from the parapet of Battery Wheeler Emplacement number
2 and then we headed southwest. Going down we hit another BE and then an
emergency station (bathtub shape) for Battery Craighill.
Moving further down we reached C1 station. It was heavy with lantana and thorny vines.
Outside the C1 are several communication booths. We sneaked inside
and then found more communication booths. Inside the walls are azimuth and
range coordinates. As usual,
scrapper damage is evident but nevertheless, the structure is in good
shape. Below C1 are two more
emergency stations, one is for Craighill (again). Going back, we hit
remnants of Battery Boston (AA). Instead
of going back to the parapet of Battery Wheeler, we exited just in front
of the 12-inch spare tube of Wheeler (by the road).
Wheeler, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Batteries Geary and
Crockett. At Geary, Karl was
able to pick up some powder grains. He
has a trained eye for powder grains, small arm ammunitions, human bones,
buttons, etc. After Geary and
Crockett, we called it a day, went back to the hotel, shower, dinner at
7:30pm planned our next day itinerary and then hit the sack by 10:00pm
Thursday, March 16
- Woke
up at around 6:30am. Breakfast
at 7:15 and then got our gear and took the jeep to Battery Way.
Took our usual photos (Mostly Nelson because he is the first
timer). Spent our time
chatting about Bill Massello and his crew and trolley lines of the battery
and the additional concrete that they built on top of the original (1913).
Packed our gear and then hopped back to the jeep and then went to
Battery Grubbs.
Grubbs. Inspected the paint
room where the “spalling” took place.
CA guys claimed before surrendering that the guns of the battery
were damaged by removing the trunion caps and then fired the gun that
cause it to jump out of the carriage and caused the spalling.
However, as we reviewed a captured Japanese footage of the
surrender, it showed Battery Grubbs with their guns still mounted in their
carriages. Explored the BC station at the back of the battery. Took the customary photos and then took the Jeep to Battery
trip to Hearn and customary photos... Discussed artillery shells and
“Chilean Fuses”. While
Nelson explored the battery, we were planning going to the G1 station (in
between Hearn and Smith.) Could
not find the old trail so we decided to have the jeep drop us at Battery
Smith trail. Instead of going to Smith, we went southwest via the old
culvert. The G1 station is
located in between the 2 batteries. We
pressed on, passing by a lot of bomb craters, climbed up and cut our
way through a bamboo thicket (by the way, I am the official “bolo-man”
of the group because they don’t want any of their limbs flying around)
and we found the G1 station.
entered via the collapsed roof. G1
is a small groupment station with six communication booths (3 each on the
left and right). There is a
flight of stairs going down leading to a plotting room. There is another staircase that leads to the main entrance of
G1 but that is semi blocked by soil and jungle growth. After G1, we went back and we hit the stairs leading to the
Smith Tunnel. We decided to
do Smith in the afternoon since we are going to Grubbs trail to go to
Hanna and SL#2. Going back,
we hit Topside, usual photos for the new guy (Nelson) talked with some of
the locals. Went back to the Inn for an early lunch.
light gear (water, bolo and a camera).
Changed into trousers. Rode
the jeep and then dropped near Battery Grubbs. (Smith is easier to
approach f if you drop-off near Grubbs).
Went to Smith, loafed around there for a while, and then hit the
Grubbs trail. Stopped by
155mm gun shelters and then went to Unit Command Station 10.
Loafed around. Did not
explore the tunnel under UCS 10. Debated
that UCS 10 was originally a battery for gun that became obsolete that it
was recalled so they decided to use it for something else.
A similar emplacement can be found at Kindley Field. If I elaborate our debate about the UCS, then it will eat up
a lot of space in this report. Went
to Battery Hanna…, tried to look for the other emplacement.
There is a concrete structure near the gun emplacement (possible
the magazine of the battery). Could not find the other gun emplacement so
we decided to get going.

Conchita Island viewed from UCS10.
to down to the opposite trail leading to the North Shore road.
We hit an unfinished tunnel (possibly the 92nd CA (PS) tunnel.
Did not explore it. Karl
decided to stay behind and Glen, Nelson and I decided to look for SL#2.
On the way, we passed by Battery Rock Point (2 155mm GPFs on Panama
Mount). The panama mount for
one gun can still be seen but its buried under vines, fallen leaves and
sheet erosion. The magazine
is located of the battery can be seen the rear of the gun emplacement. We hiked until we reached the trail leading to SL#2.
The growth in the trail is really something.
After spending and hour and a half just trying to see a passable
trail, the three of us unanimously decided to call it quits. Three unsuccessful tries on the last three years.
It’s OK, there will be a fourth, fifth and so on until we hit
SL#2. We knew we were near it
but the vegetation was awesome.
went back to the trail. We
took it slowly as we needed to take a breather after 10 minutes of
walking. The heat, the hike
and the cutting of the brush and growth really drained us.
Went back to Smith and then we found our jeepney waiting for us on
the spot where he dropped us off. Went
back to the Inn, took our showers, dinner and then we hit the sack by
March 17
up at 6:00am. Breakfast at
6:30. Went to the South Dock
to our banca that will take us to Fort Hughes, Caballo Island.
Prior to departure, we procured a cartoon of cigarettes for the
enlisted men stationed in the island.
Left Corregidor at 7:45. By
8:10, we were near the shores of Caballo.
banca ride was OK except that we got a little splashed. (There goes our
plan to look decent and dry to the island commander).
As we approached Caballo, we could see the rear portion of Battery
Gillespie on top of the island. As
the banca slowed down we had the chance to see the old Fort Hughes Wharf.
The Phil Navy did not really do an extensive job in rehabilitating
the wharf. They somewhat
patched up the old wharf by putting new concrete over old one but the
foundation that they used is still the old one. (You can determine once
you observe the support structures under;
noticed that there were two Navy vessels at the wharf. We learned later
that one came from Manila to bring the personnel sent by Navy to escort
us. Prior to our trip to
Caballo, we had to ask permission from the Navy.
We had to go to the proper authorities and we had to get the
clearance from the Fleet Admiral and Naval Intelligence Bureau.
All the preparation paid off.
we landed Navy personnel in the island greeted us. They immediately asked for ID and made us sign in their
logbook. Afterwards Lt.
Commander Virgilio N. Mateo, Commanding Officer of the Naval Ordnance
Depot, greeted us. After
exchanging pleasantries, we then moved forward to begin our visit.
Lt. Commander Mateo acted as our guide.
first stop was at Battery Woodruff, 14-inch 1910 gun mounted on a 1907
Disappearing Carriage – Limited Fire (DCLF).
The battery is now used as a storehouse of naval ordnance and
ammunition. There were a lot
of 4.7-inch mine projectiles just stockpiled under the battery.
We walked our way up to the loading platform and we saw the gun in
its original shape. The emplacement and the gun showed sign of battle damage.
The gun and parts of the carriage although damaged, is almost
complete. The elevating bands
and arms are still there and the breech of the gun is still there.
The base plate and rings are still there and it goes with the
return rollers. If the
12-inch gun was big gun, then the 14-inch was a monster.
Some portions of the battery are locked and sealed by the Navy.
After taking our pictures (and video), we walked down the trolley
ramp and then walked back to the old trolley line.
then proceeded to hike a steep trail (following the old trolley line)
going to Battery Craighill (4- M1912 12-inch Mortars).
We entered the tunnel that led to the mortar pits.
The rails of the trolley are still there and the structures,
although damaged, are still in place. We stopped at the lower pit (presumably Pit-B but it’s
still being contested by CA aficionados)
The M1912 mortars are still there (in their rusted colors). The
M1912 is has a longer barrel than the M1890 found on Corregidor and its
range is greater. This mortar
battery can fire to both Cavite and Bataan during the siege of 1942. The
carriage and the base plates are intact.
The nice thing about Caballo is that the scrappers did not ravage
this island because of the Navy’s presence.
The pit has its share of vegetation growth and there are still
shell and shell fragments scattered around. Damage from Japanese artillery
fire can still be seen on the walls of the pit.
using his trained eye was able to pick up a lot of shrapnel, .30 cal
ammunition, powder grains, etc. Inside
the power room of the battery, we are greeted with the site of human bones
(presumably Japanese because of the remains of the rubber soles of his
boots and the ammunition (7.7mm and 6.5mm) around the area).
Inside the rooms of the battery (plotting room and communication
rooms), are Kanji Characters written by Japanese troops stationed in the
island. Some of the speaking tubes are still there and the frame of
metal stairs that lead to the upper floor can still be seen.
the Pit wall, is a patched part that had a marker.
The navy personnel buried the bones that they found on the island.
Most of the bones belonged to the Japanese troops who were
stationed and perished while defending the island against
US troops.
then moved to the Upper Pit (presumably Pit-A).
The upper pit is in a more damaged state that the lower pit.
There was an erosion (caused by damage to the emplacement and the
elements of time) that half buried one of the 12-inch mortars.
On the side of the pit, there were a lot of debris (set aside by
the navy guys) and it consisted of elevating gears and handles, mortar
springs, cable wire and 12-inch mortar shells of all shapes and sizes.
There you can find a short deck piercing shell, a long deck
piercing shell and rare 12-inch practice rounds. The loading table for the
shells are still there in the two pits.
explored the powder and shell rooms of the battery. One interesting area in the powder room is the burned out
walls still covered with black soot.
Evidence of close quarter battle can be seen.
Bazooka hit and fragments are still scattered inside.
Whoever was on the receiving end of it, sure did not come out
exploring the rooms, we then hiked up the steep trolley line until we hit
the newly paved road. The
route that we took (Battery Craighill Tunnel) saved us 500 meters of
walking up the main road. As
we walked up, we had a nice conversation with our escorts.
Some them told us that it was their first time in the island. They
were only there because the Navy sent them to escort and for security
reason (we got somewhat of a VIP treatment).
These guys even brought their own camera and they were also taking
pictures. Before reaching our
destination, Battery Gillespie, Nelson and a bunch of Navy guys climbed
the “hog-back of the island. There
they were able to locate a base end station (possibly of Craighill or
Gillespie). I did not bother
to look because I was interested to get to Battery Gillespie.
continued walking until I hit a “Y” road bend.
I followed the left portion and it led me to the base of the radar
tower. I was informed that
this radar is not operational anymore. Moving forward, I hit the parapet
of Battery Gillespie. I got a
good angle because I was directly on top of the gun and it’s loading
platform. I took out my
camera and my video cam and started working on the battery.
Gillespie is situated at the top end of Caballo Island.
It’s rear is a ravine that and you can get a good view of
Corregidor Island and the eastern coast of Bataan.
The battery is armed with a 14-inch M1910 gun on a 1907 DCLF.
(similar to Woodruff). The
gun is still intact although it has some shrapnel damage.
The elevating ban is still there and half of the elevating arm.
Half of the carriage is buried in concrete.
The Navy had to fill in the battery gun well to avoid anybody from
falling into the well.
Gillespie was not used during the siege. It was being reserved for surface
action but alas, no Japanese ships came to within its range.
At some extent it could fire to Cavite but they opted to use
Battery Woodruff instead. Although
at it’s extreme right, it can hit portions of Bataan, but it’s rear
was to exposed to Japanese Artillery fire. Another reason is that there were not enough personnel to man
the battery. Most of the
troops were concentrated at the lower and middle portion of the island.
In fact, the ones who manned the mortars of Battery Craighill were
US Navy sailors.
the loading platform we then moved to the battery’s shell and powder
room we noticed that the used
Battery Gillespie as the radar installation.
They rehabilitated the rooms, painted them is white and navy gray.
However, when the radar stopped its operations, the battery was
used as a Close Quarter Battle Training site for Navy Seals.
Inside the rooms are old tires, old and battered radio and radar
equipment and target boards.
Battery Gillespie we walked down the road back to the lower portion of the
island. As we reached the
shoreline we went to the beached M4 Sherman tank.
This probably hit a land mine as it landed. All rusted up and the elements are slowly eating it’s hull
away. Inside the turret, you
can still see the breech of the 75mm gun (although badly corroded.
the Sherman tank, we walked across the fresh Water Lake in the middle of
the island. We went to the
command office just beside Battery Leach.
As the Navy guys were preparing Coconuts for us, we decided to
explore Battery Leach.
Leach is composed of two 6-inch guns mounted on a DCLF.
Not much can be seen of the battery as it suffered a bomb hit in
its magazine (similar to Ramsey at Corregidor but in a much smaller
scale). Only a half-buried
barrel of a 6-inch can be seen in the pile of rubble is all that remains
of Battery Leach.
was another 3-inch battery, Battery Fuger, located near the end of the island.
I did not bother to look for it as it was bulldozed by the navy
when they were constructing something in the island. Originally, there were mounts for seven 7.2-inch siege
howitzers but they were never installed as the howitzers became obsolete
through the century.
Battery Leach, we ate the Coconuts that the Navy guys prepared for us.
After which we took a leisurely walk back to the wharf wherein we
waited for our banca to take us back to Corregidor.
We took a group photo in the island’s welcome sign.
By 11:00am our short but great tour of the island was over. By
11:25 we headed back to Corregidor. We
had lunch and prepared for the second part of the day.
lunch, we rode the banca and then went around the island.
The sea was a little rough of the southern shore but it became
calmer at the northwestern part. We slowed down at Rock Point, originally known as
“Horodado” (Horrible) Pt. Slowed
down and tried to spot SL#2. We
moved along and then passed by Conchita Island, originally known as
“Sta. Amalia”. Took
pictures and looked at the exposed parapet of Battery Hannah from below. (I
was able to know the original names of Rock Point and Conchita on a 1899
map print entitled “Bahia de Manila” (Manila Bay). They are selling it
for US$ 180.00 at an antique print shop)
decided to land near SL#4 at Wheeler Point. Our interest is Battery Monja.
Instead of doing a direct climb to the casemate, we decided to go
around Wheeler Point where our “bankero” Pete Bunso, led to a trail
going around the SL and then hitting Battery Monja.
It was a longer route but we avoided the vertical climb.
The battery shows signs of digging and excavations.
A sign from CFI forbids anybody from digging illegally. (I’ll
reserve comments to myself about this…) Took our usual pictures.
Went back the trail and then tried to locate SL#4.
No avail as it looks that is was covered by a landslide, plus the
growth is again “fantastic”. Going back to the banca, it was already 4:30pm, we decided to
relax the rest of the afternoon. Had
an early dinner. Glen and
Karl turned in early but Nelson and I loafed around, discussing artillery (75mm, 105mm, 155mm). Had
a discussion with him about the 8-inch gun Battery at Saysain Point,
Bataan. the original seven 8-inch guns at Manila just before the war,
artillery shells, the 26th Cavalry, etc.
Turned in at around 11:00pm.